young piano student practicing

Easy Way to Find Piano Music Notes

When you learn how to play the piano, it’s super important to know where all the notes are on the keyboard! Keep reading to learn how you can easily find all of the notes on the piano.
Click a link below to jump to what you’re looking for:

  1. Piano Notes Chart
  2. how to find the black keys
  3. how to find anchor notes
  4. piano note names
  5. where is middle c?
  6. black key note names
  7. step-by-step video tutorial


chromatic chart of piano notes

Take a look at this piano with notes to help you find your way around the keyboard. Stick around to learn more about how to find notes on the piano, the musical alphabet, and why each black key has 2 names!

2. how to find the black keys

Take a look at the keyboard below. Notice the black keys are grouped in 2’s and 3’s:

The groups of 2 and 3 black notes will be your helpers to find ALL the piano notes. Think of them as your road signs.

Let’s call the group of 2 black piano notes the “twins” and the group of 3 black notes the “triplets.”

how to find the notes on the piano using the black notes

3. how to find anchor notes

Once you know where the “twins” and “triplets” are, you can easily find 2 important notes - C and F. Think of C and F as anchor notes. The more familiar you become with C and F, the easier it is to know where all the notes on the keyboard are.  

C will always be the white note directly to the left of the twins. F will be the white note directly to the left of the triplets.

4. piano note names - easy as a-b-c!

Once you've found where C and F are, finding notes is as easy as A-B-C! This is because the notes to piano keys are the same as the first 7 letters of the English alphabet.

The only difference is the musical alphabet begins with C and ends with B. Once you reach B, the musical alphabet starts all over at C and repeats over and over again.

The musical alphabet tells us the names of the notes on the keyboard in order! Take a look at the keyboard below. Notice how the letter names match the musical alphabet.

full piano note chart

As you can see, we begin with C directly to the left of the twin black keys. Each time we move one white key to the right, we go onto the next note of the musical alphabet! From C to D to E and so on. Also notice that once we reach B, the notes start over again at C and repeat!

5. where is middle c?

Middle C is the C note that is closest to the middle of your keyboard! It is very helpful to know where middle C is - it’s a great place to start when learning how to play the piano.

When playing on a full sized 88 key piano or keyboard, middle C will be the 4th C counting up from the left. Middle C is also called C4 since it is the 4th C!

piano keyboard showing middle C

You might be asking yourself “how many piano keys are on a piano?” There are 88 keys on a full sized piano! Other smaller keyboards can have 61 or 72 keys. There are also even smaller keyboards that have even fewer keys!

6. black key note names

The black keys on the piano are named a little bit differently than the white keys! The black keys are called sharps (#) and flats (b.) Take a look at the keyboard below:

names of the black notes on the piano

Notice each black key has 2 names. This is because the black notes have different names in different musical keys! Sometimes a black note will be called a sharp (#) and sometimes a black note will be called a flat (b.) It really depends on what song you’re playing and what keys it’s in! Any note that has more than one name is called an Enharmonic Tone.

7. step-by-step video tutorial

Having fun learning your piano keys, but looking for more to practice?

3 NEXT STEPS: Check out these options to help you get started!

  1. learn more about kidzKeys-Piano club
  2. join an online class
  3. take private lessons

don't have a keyboard at home?

We use the Casio SA-76 in all of our classes. The SA-76 has lots of fun sounds to choose from and it’s tough enough to stand up to your young energetic musician!

Check out our Best Piano-Keyboards for Kids Buying Guide resource!

Casio SA-76 keyboard for kids in group piano lessons


I'm Emily, from our Home Office in Atlanta, GA, and I love teaching students how to play the piano, sing, and be creative! I hope this resource helps you on your musical journey.